A. Timothy Church
Indigenous & Ethnic Psychology
Our studies in this area examined the structure, assessment, and cross-cultural generalizability of indigenous dimensions of personality or affect, especially in the Philippines, but also in Mexico and Asian American samples. In earlier studies, we developed and validated indigenous measures of intelligence and adaptive competence in rural Philippine children.
Lee, J. H., & Church, A. T. (2017). Social anxiety in Asian Americans: Integrating personality and cultural factors. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 8, 103-114.
Del Prado, A. M., & Church, A. T. (2010). Development and validation of an enculturation scale for Filipino Americans. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57, 469-483.
Church, A. T. (2009). Indigenous psychology. In D. Matsumoto (Ed.), Cambridge dictionary of psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Imperio, S. M., Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Reyes, J. A. S. (2008). Lexical studies of Filipino person descriptors: Adding personality-relevant social and physical attributes. European Journal of Personality, 22, 291-321.
Ortiz, F. A., Church, A. T., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Flores-Galaz, M., Iuit-Briceño, J. I., Escamilla, J. M. (2007). Are indigenous personality dimensions culture-specific? Mexican inventories and the five-factor model. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 618-649.
Lin, E. J.-L., & Church, A. T. (2004). Are indigenous Chinese personality dimensions culture-specific? An investigation of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory in Chinese American and European American samples. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 586-605.
Rodriguez, C., & Church A. T. (2003). The structure and personality correlates of affect: Evidence of cross-cultural comparability using the Spanish language. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34, 211-230.
Church, A.T., & Katigbak, M.S. (2002). Indigenization of psychology in the Philippines. International Journal of Psychology, 37, 129-148.
Katigbak, M.S., Church, A.T., Guanzon-Lapeña, M.A., Carlota, A.J., & del Pilar, G. (2002).
Are indigenous dimensions culture-specific? Philippine inventories and the five-factor model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 89-101.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (2000). Filipino personality: Indigenous and cross-cultural studies. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Press.
Church, A.T., & Katigbak, M.S. (2000). Trait psychology in the Philippines. American Behavioral Scientist, 44, 73-94. (Invited contribution for special issue).
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., Reyes, J.A.S., & Jensen, S.M. (1999). The structure of affect in a non-Western culture: Evidence for cross-cultural comparability. Journal of Personality, 67, 503-532.
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., & Reyes, J.A.S. (1998). Further exploration of Filipino personality structure using the lexical approach: Do the big five or big seven dimensions emerge? European Journal of Personality, 12, 249-269.
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., Reyes, J.A.S., & Jensen, S.M. (1998). Language and organisation of Filipino emotion concepts: Comparing emotion concepts and dimensions across cultures. Cognition and Emotion, 12, 63-92.
Guanzon-Lapeña, M.A., Church, A.T., Carlota, A.J., & Katigbak, M.S. (1998). Indigenous personality measures: Philippine examples. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29, 249-270.
Church, A.T., Reyes, J.A.S., Katigbak, M.S., & Grimm, S.D. (1997). Filipino personality structure and the Big Five model: A lexical approach Journal of Personality, 65, 477-528.
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., & Reyes, J.A.S. (1996). Toward a taxonomy of trait adjectives in Filipino: Comparing personality lexicons across cultures. European Journal of Personality, 10, 3-24.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (1992). The cultural context of academic motives: A comparison of American and Filipino college students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 23, 40-58.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (1991). Home environment, nutritional status, and maternal intelligence as determinants of intellectual development in rural Philippine preschool children. Intelligence, 15, 49-78.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (1988). Imposed-etic and emic measures of intelligence as predictors of early school performance of rural Philippine children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 19, 164-177.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M.S. (1988). The emic strategy in the identification and assessment of personality dimensions in a non-Western culture: Rationale, steps, and a Philippine illustration. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 19, 140-163.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., & Castañeda, I. (1988). The effects of language of data collection on derived conceptions of healthy personality with Filipino bilinguals. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 19, 178-192.
Church, A. T. (1987). Personality research in a non-Western culture: The Philippines. Psychological Bulletin, 102, 272-292.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (1987). Ecocultural bias in culture-specific intelligence tests in an ecologically diverse culture: The Philippines. Intelligence, 11, 371-389.
Church, A. T. (1985). Indigenous Philippine psychology: Methodological considerations. In M. A. David & A. Aganon (Eds.). New directions in Philippine psychology (pp. 304-340). Quezon City, Philippines: Philippine Psychology Research House.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., & Almario-Velazco, G. (1985). Psychometric intelligence and adaptive competence in rural Philippine children. Intelligence, 9, 317-340.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., & Castañeda, I. (1984-85). Conceptions of good psychological health and personality functioning of Filipino college students: A multi-method investigation. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 17-18, 15-43. [Also reprinted in the Special Double Issue of the Philippine Journal of Psychology, commemorating 40 years of Philippine psychology, 2002, Vol. 35, Nos. 1 and 2.]