A. Timothy Church
Personality Beliefs Inventory
Permission is granted to use the Personality Beliefs Inventory for non-commercial research purposes only. I would be pleased to hear from you regarding your experience with the instrument and whether any publications resulted from its use.
The Personality Beliefs Inventory (PBI) measures implicit beliefs regarding the traited versus contextual or situational nature of behavior as relatively independent dimensions. Drawing on theory and findings on lay dispositionism, the items assess the strength of component beliefs regarding the longitudinal stability (versus instability) of traits, the cross-situational consistency (versus variability) of trait-relevant behavior, the predictive validity (versus lack thereof) of traits, and the ease (versus difficulty) of inferring traits from observed behaviors. The measure has been used to test an integrated trait and cultural psychology model that predicts that people in all cultures endorse trait beliefs to some extent, but that people in more collectivist cultures endorse contextual beliefs to a greater extent than people in individualistic cultures. Subscales of the instrument assess the different implicit theory components and total trait and contextual beliefs scores are derived.
Church, A. T., Willmore, S. L., Anderson, A. T., Ochiai, M., Porter, N., Mateo, N. J., Reyes, J. A. S., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., Alvarez, J. M., Katigbak, M. S., & Ortiz, F. A. (2012). Cultural differences in implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness: Replication and extension with alternative measurement formats and cultural dimensions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43, 1268-1296. DOI: 10.1177/0022022111428514
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., del Prado, A. M., Ortiz, F. A., Mastor, K. A., Harumi, Y., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., White, F. A., Miramontes, L. G., Reyes, J. A. S., & Cabrera, H. F. (2006). Implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness across cultures: Toward integration of cultural and trait psychology perspectives. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 694-716. DOI: 10.1177/0022022106292078 [Reprinted in P.B. Smith & Deborah L. Best (Eds.), Cross-cultural psychology. London: Sage Publications, April 2009]
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Ortiz, F. A., del Prado, A. M., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Reyes, J. A. S., Pe-Pua. R., & Cabrera, H. (2005). Investigating implicit trait theories across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 476-496.
Church, A. T. Ortiz, F. A., Katigbak M. S., Avdeyeva T., Emerson, A. M., Vargas, J. J. F., & Ibanez, J. R. (2003). Measuring individual and cultural differences in implicit trait theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 332-347.
Panukat ng Mga Katangian ng Personalidad (PKP)
Permission is granted to use the Filipino Panukat ng Mga Katangian ng Personalidad for non-commercial research purposes only. I would be pleased to hear from you regarding your experience with the instrument and whether any theses, dissertations, or publications result from its use.
This Filipino (Tagalog) language instrument measures indigenous Filipino personality dimensions that were identified using the lexical (natural language) approach. Using 253 trait adjectives, the instrument assesses the following dimensions: Makakapwa vs. Makasarili (Concerned for Others vs. Egotistical); Relihiyoso (Religious); Disiplinado (Conscientious); Pagiging Kalog (Gregarious); Matalino (Intelligent); Sumpungin (Temperamental); Tiwala sa Sarili (Self-Assured); and Positive and Negative Valence dimensions. In several studies, we have replicated the dimensions assessed and investigated their relationships with the hypothesized universal Big Five dimensions.
Imperio, S. M., Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Reyes, J. A. S. (2008). Lexical studies of Filipino person descriptors: Adding personality-relevant social and physical attributes. European Journal of Personality, 22, 291-321.
Katigbak, M.S., Church, A.T., Guanzon-Lapeña, M.A., Carlota, A.J., & del Pilar, G. (2002).
Are indigenous dimensions culture-specific? Philippine inventories and the five-factor model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 89-101.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (2000). Filipino personality: Indigenous and cross-cultural studies. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Press.
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., & Reyes, J.A.S. (1998). Further exploration of Filipino personality structure using the lexical approach: Do the big five or big seven dimensions emerge? European Journal of Personality, 12, 249-269.
Guanzon-Lapeña, M.A., Church, A.T., Carlota, A.J., & Katigbak, M.S. (1998). Indigenous personality measures: Philippine examples. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 29, 249-270.
Church, A.T., Reyes, J.A.S., Katigbak, M.S., & Grimm, S.D. (1997). Filipino personality structure and the Big Five model: A lexical approach Journal of Personality, 65, 477-528.
Church, A.T., Katigbak, M.S., & Reyes, J.A.S. (1996). Toward a taxonomy of trait adjectives in Filipino: Comparing personality lexicons across cultures. European Journal of Personality, 10, 3-24.