A. Timothy Church
Integrating Trait & Cultural Psychology
In our studies in this area, we have tested a theoretical model integrating cultural and trait psychology perspectives (Church, 2000). These studies have examined--across multiple cultures--the "traitedness" of self-concepts, implicit trait and contextual beliefs and their measurement, dispositional versus situational explanations of behavior, accuracy and self-enhancement in trait assessment, the cross-situational consistency of self-concepts and behavior and its relationship to adjustment, and the predictive validity of traits.
Church, A. T., & Katigbak, M. S. (2017). Trait consistency and validity across cultures. In A. T. Church (Ed.), The Praeger Handbook of Personality across Cultures (pp. 279-308). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO/Praeger.
Locke, K. D., Church, A. T., Mastor, K. A., Curtis, G. J., Sadler, P., McDonald, K., Vargas-Flores, J. D., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., Morio, H., Reyes, J. A., Cabrera, H. F., Arias, R. M., Rincon, B. C., Arias, N. A., Muñoz, A., & Ortiz, F. (2017). Cross-situational self-consistency in nine cultures: The importance of separating influences of social norms and distinctive dispositions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 1033-1049.
Ching, C. M., Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Reyes, J. A. S., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Takaoka, S., Zhang, H., Shen, J., Mazuera Arias, R., Rincon, B. C., Ortiz, F. A. (2014). The manifestation of traits in everyday behavior and affect: A five-culture study. Journal of Research in Personality, 48, 1-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2013.10.002
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Vargas-Flores, J., Curtis, G. J., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Cabrera, H. F., Mastor, K. A., Zhang, H., Shen, J., Locke, K. D., Alvarez, J. M., Ching, C. M., Ortiz, F. A., & Simon, J-y. R. (2014). Relating self-concept consistency and short-term stability to hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in eight cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 695-712. DOI: 10.1177/0022022114527347.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Mazuera-Arias, R., Rincon, B. C., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Wang, L., Alvarez, J. M., Wang, C., Ortiz, F. A. (2014). A four-culture study of self-enhancement and adjustment using the social relations model: Do alternative conceptualizations and indices make a difference? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 997-1014. DOI: 10.1037/a0036491.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Ching, C. M., Zhang, H., Shen, J., Mazuera Arias, R., Rincon, B. C., Morio, H., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Takaoka, S., Mastor, K. A., Roslan, N. A., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Vargas-Flores, J. Locke, K, Reyes, J. A. S., Wenmei, S., Ortiz, F., Alvarez, J. M. (2013). Within-individual variability in self-concepts and personality states: Applying density distribution and situation/behavior approaches across cultures. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 922-935.
Katigbak, M. S., Church, A. T., Alvarez, J. M., Wang, C., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., Mazuera Arias, R., Rincon, B. C., Wang, L., Ortiz, F. A. (2013). Cross-observer agreement and self-concept consistency across cultures: Integrating trait and cultural psychology perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 78-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2012.09.003
Church, A. T., Alvarez, J. M., Katigbak, M. S., Mastor, K. A., Cabrera, H. F., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Zhang, H., Shen, J., Locke, K. D., Ortiz, F. A., Curtis, G. J., Simon, J-Y., Ching, C. M., & Buchanan, A. (2012). Self-concept consistency and short-term stability in eight cultures. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 556-570. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2012.06.003
Church, A. T., Willmore, S. L., Anderson, A. T., Ochiai, M., Porter, N., Mateo, N. J., Reyes, J. A. S., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., Alvarez, J. M., Katigbak, M. S., & Ortiz, F. A. (2012). Cultural differences in implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness: Replication and extension with alternative measurement formats and cultural dimensions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43, 1268-1296. DOI: 10.1177/0022022111428514
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., & del Prado, A. M. (2010). Cultural similarities and differences in perceived affordances of situations for Big Five behaviors. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 78-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.11.003
Church, A. T. (2009). Prospects for an integrated trait and cultural psychology. European Journal of Personality, 23, 153-182. DOI: 10.1002/per.700
Church, A. T., Anderson-Harumi, C. A., del Prado, A. M., Curtis, G., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Valdez-Medina, J. L., Mastor, K. A., White, F. A., Miramontes, L. A., & Katigbak, M. S. (2008). Culture, cross-role consistency, and adjustment: Testing trait and cultural psychology perspectives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 739-755.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Reyes, J. A. S., Salanga, M. G. C., Miramontes, L. A., & Adams, N. B. (2008). Prediction and cross-situational consistency of daily behavior across cultures: Testing trait and cultural psychology perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1199-1215.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Miramontes, L. G., del Prado, A. M., Cabrera, H. F. (2007). Culture and the behavioral manifestations of traits: An application of the act frequency approach. European Journal of Personality, 21, 389-417.
Del Prado, A. M., Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Miramontes, L. G., Whitty, M. T., Curtis, G. J., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Ortiz, F. A., Reyes, J. A. S. (2007). Culture, method, and the content of self-concepts: Testing trait, individual-self-primacy, and cultural psychology perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 1119-1160.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., del Prado, A. M., Ortiz, F. A., Mastor, K. A., Harumi, Y., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibáñez-Reyes, J., White, F. A., Miramontes, L. G., Reyes, J. A. S., & Cabrera, H. F. (2006). Implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness across cultures: Toward integration of cultural and trait psychology perspectives. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 694-716. DOI: 10.1177/0022022106292078 [Reprinted in P.B. Smith & Deborah L. Best (Eds.), Cross-cultural psychology. London: Sage Publications, April 2009]
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., del Prado, A. M., Valdez-Medina, J. L., Miramontes, L. G., & Ortiz, F. A. (2006). A cross-cultural study of trait self-enhancement, explanatory variables, and adjustment. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 1169-1201.
Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Ortiz, F. A., del Prado, A. M., Vargas-Flores, J., Ibanez-Reyes, J., Reyes, J. A. S., Pe-Pua. R., & Cabrera, H. (2005). Investigating implicit trait theories across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 476-496.
Church, A. T. Ortiz, F. A., Katigbak M. S., Avdeyeva T., Emerson, A. M., Vargas, J. J. F., & Ibanez, J. R. (2003). Measuring individual and cultural differences in implicit trait theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 332-347.